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“Once the lighthouse is seen... 


- Terri Guillemets

Want to Dive In Right Now?

Check Out these Goodies I have for you...

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Avoid the 8 Costly Mistakes Women Make in their Separation or Divorce

Get my free guidebook and learn the 8 biggest mistakes I see other smart, on-to-it, women make in their separations or divorces.


Most importantly, learn how to avoid making them! 

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The Divorce Lighthouse Group

Want regular tips, inspiration and support to help you travel through your separation with greater ease? Then head on over to join The Divorce Lighthouse Facebook Group - a closed group that avoids negativity in favour of positive, practical information and inspiration. Think of it as your own online sanctuary & informative hub.


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Something for the Family Lawyers...

My family lawyer colleagues don't miss out!


Client intake just got easier with my resource that sets out clearly and super-easily the different dispute resolution process options. You'll use this time and time again. You're welcome! 

Hi, I'm Selina, Family Lawyer. Educator. Mother. Step parent. Step child. Mountain Bike Rider Crasher. Chocolate addict. 
I take the sting out of separation & divorce for women everywhere. 
I teach women to work through their separation or divorce smartly and with less stress- looking after their hearts, their heads and their wallets.
I help other family lawyers come together to work in ways that involve less conflict and stress and are healthier for their clients, them and their practices.
Divorce without acrimony and high costs is possible.

Hey there...

About Selina

About Selina


Having failed in her childhood aspiration to win Miss Universe, Selina-jane’s mission is to take the sting out of separation and divorce for families. A specialist family lawyer for over 20 years, Selina-jane isn’t your usual lawyer. Yes, the law is an important part of her work but Selina-jane realises that a separation or divorce is about so much more than the law. She helps her clients stay out of court, transitioning their families through separation and divorce with less acrimony and conflict. Selina is often asked about family law issues by the media. She regularly trains other lawyers to help them do the same and is invited to speak to her colleagues about changing up how lawyers work for the benefit of them and their clients.


Why does she work in this way? 

Check out these goodies

How I Can Help You

Check out the options below for how I can help you, depending on your situation.

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Going through a Separation?

Are you separated, thinking about separation or going through a divorce? Do you desire an amicable divorce but not sure how you will achieve this? Want to be confident, prepared and supported for all that lies ahead? Do you want to be able to say "I Got This!"?


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For the Family Lawyers


Are you a Family Lawyer who is tired of the stress and the grind of the job? Perhaps you love your job but would like to think there could be a better way to practice - for you, your clients and your bottom line?

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Needing Legal Advice?


Are you living in Aotearoa New Zealand and looking for a lawyer who can help you through your separation in the simplest way possible without the Court? Then check out Selina-jane's own specialist family law firm.

Come and be social with me in my Facebook page...this is where I hang out, share tips and ideas and generally shoot the breeze about divorce, legal practice, chocolate and life!


people say...

"Selina is an amazing strong woman and an absolute inspiration to me over the course of my separation. I can finally see a future for myself, something that has long felt like a pipe-dream."


LK - Auckland

Hey, don't forget to grab your free, downloadable copy of 'How to Avoid the 8 Costly Mistakes Women Make in their Separation or Divorce'

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